Ipsos Kenya Tracker Audience

Ipsos Kenya conducts the IKAT survey to provide ongoing audience measurement data to the media industry in Kenya, aiding in informed media planning. With a quarterly sample size of 3000 respondents aged 15 and above, collected via telephone, it ensures representation across Kenya's counties based on population size. Data is disaggregated by age, gender, and setting, aligned with the 2019 census and 2022 Establishment survey parameters. Ipsos also releases a TV boost sample. This data supplements quarterly releases, aiding in timely adjustments and assessing touchpoints and performance across Radio, Television, Print, and Online platforms. Further refinement includes weighting to population and the creation of additional variables, such as topographies and Living Standard Measurements. (monthly and quarterly formats are available)

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Market Coverage

  • Kenya

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Frequency PER YEAR

  • 12