
Finding certainty in uncertain times through consumer research

Jul 8, 2023
Read time: 2 mins

Game changing, world first measurement methodologies and techniques.

PAMRO’s 22nd Annual Conference, held from the 26th to the 28th October 2021 hosts research experts from across Africa and the rest of the world, showcasing game changing, cutting edge measurement techniques encouraging shared learnings amongst delegates. The theme for this year's conference is, ‘Finding certainty in uncertain times through measurement’ and will host a number of important developments in media measurement. Three topical subjects at this year's conference will be:

Why Digital Anthropologists are the missing link on your Data Science team:

How innovations in digital anthropology tools, methods and talents will change the game in consumer insights and measurement. James Ingram,  CEO of Splashlight & TelmarHelixa, and Founder of the LiiV Center Katie Hillier, Chief Digital Anthropologist at the LiiV Center According to Gartner , “70% of Organizations will shift their focus from big to small and wide Data By 2025.” Using Big data alone for insight leads to bias and gaps of understanding. Thick data or “small and wide” data is needed to fill these gaps, but data scientists alone are not equipped to gather and analyse thick data. Data teams need a new diversity of mindset, skill set and technology to bring thick data to big data - they need digital anthropologists.

The Dutch National Media Research Project

Sjoerd Pennekamp (Director SKO TV Audience measurement) and Karin Schut (Director VINEX Digital Audience Measurement). In March 2021 the new Nationaal Media Onderzoek (NMO; National Media Research) was launched, designed and owned by the 4 JIC’s responsible for the measurement of reading, listening, viewing and online. Over the course of 1,5 year the measurements will be completely renewed and new currencies will be launched, emanating from one cross media measurement design. The new research was designed keeping the end user in mind, acknowledging the need for true cross-media measurement and the evolution of the media landscape. This approach resulted in a clear research design and overview of the datasets that needed to be delivered to the market.    In our presentation we will show what the design looks like and how it will fuel the full media planning life cycle with different datasets. We will also show how all stakeholders benefit from this cooperation that enables a future ready solution.

The future of measurement with more modelling and less respondent level data

Robert Rudd and Brenda Wortley from 3M3A Big data on its own, makes no sense without “small panels” and sophisticated algorithms. The future of measurement will include more modelling and be less dependent on individual respondent media consumption behaviour.  The reason measurement must evolve this way is to accommodate the multiplicity of  fragmented media consumption.  Respondents cannot be expected to answer surveys accurately, which leads to gaps in data and challenges in linking devices to people as well as privacy issues. A combination of big data and smaller panels is the only way to measure granularity. This session looks at what future hybrid systems could look like with panel plus modelling. TelmarHelixa is a proud sponsor of the 2021 PAMRO Conference. 
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