Audience Intelligence and Media Planning Insights | TelmarHelixa

TelmarHelixa in the News: Q2 Roundup

Written by Insights Team | June 16, 2022

See our insights in action! This quarter we have been speaking with the trades and our partners about various topics: consumer behavior, non-alcoholic spirits, and our brand new Media Report! Here is some of the top coverage from these past couple of months.

Street Fight - “How to Respond to Inflation’s Impact on Consumer Behavior”

(Image Source: Street Fight, 2022)

Shopping habits have drastically changed, but you can better understand your ever-changing audiences by changing the way you think about data. Our VP of Marketing wrote a byline on Street Fight about how marketers can stay ahead of changing consumer behavior by using audience intelligence.

From the article: “Yes, data is still essential, but the insights derived from the data are the real game-changer. Insights are the connections we make across the multitude of data sources we have access to, which paint the full picture of the consumer."

Navigate - “How Technology Partners are Changing the Research Landscape”

(Image Source: Navigate, 2022)

Our partner, Navigate, featured our audience intelligence platform in their blog about the research and data tools they use to provide data-based answers to their clients.

From the article: “For understanding online social behavior and creating summaries of consumer interests, we use Discover. For example, if we wanted to get a feel for the popularity and user profile of cryptocurrency in the U.S., we could use Discover to build out an audience of those who have demonstrated interest in cryptocurrency exchanges on Twitter and then compare that audience’s traits to those of the general public (U.S. adults).”

MediaPost - “'How Dry I Am': New Theme Song For Younger Cohorts”

(Image Source: MediaPost, 2022)

Have you tried any of the new alcoholic-free beverages on the market? MediaPost featured our insights about the non-alcoholic spirit brands, Seedlip, Arkay Zero Proof, and Curious Elixirs. Check it out to learn more about this new market’s user base.

From the article: “When consumer insights provider TelmarHelixa studied consumer engagement on Twitter with several alcohol-free spirits brands, it found that the user base is ages 50-69 and skews female overall.”

Last month, we debuted our new Media Report, Unraveling the Personas of our Digital World. MediaPost got the word out and shared some of our insights from the report for their readers.

From the article: “TelmarHelixa, an AI company that looks at the connections that people make through their public social personas for insights development and audience segmentation, recently analyzed the demographics and affinities of these individuals. The results could provide some insights for streaming services on how to keep these elusive customers engaged by tailoring promotions and offers to their affinities.”

(Image Source: The Streamable, 2022)

Free Trial Jumper is one of the personas featured in our new Media Report. The Streamable shared our insights about this persona and how media preferences influence their behaviors.

From the article: “When it comes to streaming, content is king. This data suggests that trial-then-tossers represent a generational hurdle that streamers are going to have to contend with. Jumping from service to service, the draw seems to be unique programming that generates initial interest.”

The media landscape is consistently changing, and audiences consume media in so many different ways. This report explores five different personas for our clients to better understand different audiences’ media behaviors and preferences.

Download the report to learn how audience intelligence can help you go beyond your current audience and identify where you can find new fans.

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Drop us a line to get a demo that focuses on your specific business needs.